Economia PUCPR tem artigo publicado sobre a construção das ideias econômicas por um economista

O artigo “Israel Kirzner’s Presence in the History of Economic Thought: A Review of His Professional Engagement in Honor of His 91 Years“, que tem o prof. Lucas Casonato como autor, foi publicado pelo periódico internacional “Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines“. Ao final desta postagem seguem o resumo e as palavras-chave do trabalho.

Economia PUCPR

Abstract: This paper analyzes the presence of Israel Kirzner in the History of Economic Thought and focusing on his professional engagement with other economists. His academic trajectory is contextualized on three milestones of the recent history of the Austrian School. The first one is the ending of the socialist economic calculation debate, when the Austrian was considered unconvincing due to the economics’ shift to a general equilibrium model of the economy; in the aftermath of the debate, Kirzner entered at the New York University’s PhD program and was mentored by Ludwig von Mises. At this point, Kirzner started to develop his ideas on entrepreneurship and to aim an audience wider than his Austrian peers. The second is the Austrian Revival in the 1970s, in which the prestigious recovery stage of the Austrian School, thanks to Kirzner assuming a leadership role in the process. The third is in the 1980s, when a more consolidated Austrian School attempts to define itself, as Kirzner retains an Austrian vision founded on the synthesis between Mises and Hayek. It is concluded that Kirzner’s professional engagement was fundamental in the recovery of Austrian theory. He communicated Austrian ideas to a wider audience and synthetized Misesian and Hayekian proposals on the market process. These efforts allow us to recognize a Kirznerian view of the Austrian School, established with the traditional microeconomic theory, but including greater subjectivity on the interpretation of economic phenomena, becoming a more general, more realistic theory..

Keywords: Israel Kirzner; Austrian School; Professional engagement; History of Economic Thought.

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