Keynote Kombat

Keynote Kombat is a 3D topdown shooter local multiplayer game, with a party game feel. Up to 4 charismatic animated keyboards face each other, using musical attacks to kill their adversaries or activate traps in the environment. Have some laughs with your friends in Keynote Kombat!

Informações Adicionais


Freddy Matheus,

Genaro Juliano,


João P,

Leonardo Rendaki,

Mariana Santos,

Rodrigo Godoy,

Sophia Assunção

Experiência Criativa 4: Produção e Acabamento de Jogos


First player to get 5 kills wins.


PC: Move with WASD. Press L to shoot/hold to control the bullet with movement keys. K to close range area attack. J to dash.

Xbox gamepad: Move with left stick button. Press X to shoot/hold to control bullet movement with left stick button. B to close range area attack. A to dash.

Playstation gamepad: Move with left stick button. Press square to shoot/hold to control bullet movement with left stick button. Circle to close range area attack. X to dash.

Este jogo venceu em categorias no PUCPR Game Show 2023/2.


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Segundo jogo mais votado no PUCPR Game Show.